Waterloo Region's Finest Art Education Centre

Music Theory & History Classes in Kitchener-Waterloo (Royal Conservatory)

Music Theory & HistoryMusic Theory & History

Classes taught by Edith Covach

Summer History I:

This class will prepare students for RCM EXAMS August 2015 session. Class provides all required listening scores and musical examples, historical data and mock exam. No pre-requisite expected.
Class length: 90 min weekly.
Day/Time: Fridays  5.30 to 7 pm. Runs for 11 sessions, starting May 8th to July 17th, 2015.
Total Cost per student $280 (group rate guaranteed given a minimum number of 3 registrants)

Summer Harmony I:

This class will prepare students for RCM EXAMS August 2015 session. PRE-REQUISITE: deep knowledge of Advanced Rudiments (successful examination completion preferred).
This class covers the basic elements of Harmony, helping students develop an appreciation and understanding that can be applied to the repertoire they perform on a daily basis in their instrument.
Class length: 45 min weekly
Day/time: Thursdays 6.30 to 7.15 pm, May 7th to July 16th, 2015. A mock exam will bring our course to an end.
Total cost per student: $260 (group rate guaranteed given a minimum number of 2 registrants)


To register, or for more information, please click HERE to contact Edith Covach.